Monday, November 3, 2014

What I learned about Insurance

As most of you know from my previous posts we had a small accident on our way back to Nova Scotia this summer which resulted in us making a insurance claim.  This is some of the things I have learned from this experience.
1.  Get everything in writing from anyone that is involved in your claim.  This includes the insurance company, marine survyor,  claims adjustor and company doing the work.
2. As it has been pointed out to me, you are the captain of the boat and when it comes to getting the boat repaired you get to choose where that is done at.  Don't go with what the marine survyor recommends there maybe a conflict of interest there.
3. Just because your boat get hauled out at one port it doesn't mean they will put it back into the same spot.  Once the boat is sail able claims adjustor will only pay for shipping to the closest water.   So when get the boat repairs done choice the closest place to your home port encase there is delays getting your boat fixed.
4. My policy allowed for $5,000.00 in towing.
5. My policy allows for hotel, travel back to my home if stranded.
6. In our case there was a boat right behind us when the accident happened.  They offered to help us by pulling us off the shole.   In hind site this was not a good plan and may have caused more damage to our boat.   After an accident if everyone is safe and the boat is safe take a breath and survey your options. Don't rush into a solution before you look at all of your choices. Easy to say now!
7. Read your policy, Read your policy and from the start find out who is responsible for what if a accident happens.
8. Make sure after an accident you take your boat to somewhere safe and secure it.  Have someone watch it if you need to leave the boat for an amount of time.
9. Insurance company will not make partsual payments on a claim.   So when you are making arragments for repairs,  towing, mooring will be out of pocket for expenses until the claim is settled.
10. Remember that the marine suryver and claims adjuster are working for the insurance company.  They are looking to settle the claim at the lowest dollar amount,  not what is best or fair for you.
11. Since I never made a claim before I was not aware of what to do or how to do it.  I found the whole process very stressful and no one was helpful besides for the company that was doing the repairs.

As you can see I have learned a lot about this process the hard way.  I guess as they say you learn from your mistakes.  I have learned a lot about this whole process and what to look out for if it ever happens again.

The companies that we're involved in this claim were;
1. Broker was WCL Bauld - They were not very helpful at all.  But they did sell me a good policy.
2. Insurance company was RSA - claim was open fast and payment was fast once the claim was settled.
3. Marine Suryver was Fulcrum Marine Consultancy Ltd.  I would never work with this company again for many reasons.  If he is assigned to your claim ask for another company is all I can say.
4. Claim Ajuster - Blair Gautier - same as above would not deal with this person again.  Doesn't answer emails in a timely fashion.  Lost information and very hard to deal with.
5. Repairs done by Beddeck Marine.   They were great to deal with and did great work on my boat.  I would recommend this company.
6. Phil Foils - this is the company that made my new rudder.  A little slow in making the part but finished product was very we done.

I hope that some of this information will be helpful to someone alone the line.

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