Sunday, June 29, 2014

And we are off

And we are off!

Day 1- and the feeling of standing on a cliff getting ready to base jump is the feeling I think I have ( not that I would know what that feels like but that's the image I have.   Excited anticipation mixed with the feeling of impending doom.......

I arrived in Toronto easily enough on a quick 2 hour flight from Halifax and after a 2 hour drive to Belleville we arrived at "home" around midnight and went straight to sleep.   The next 2 days were full of conversations that went something thing like this:

Todd:  " why are you taking everything out of the cabinets?"
Rae:  "no I love the way you put it all away...I'm just going to adjust it..... all." 
Todd:  " ......"
 Rae:  "I love you!......"
 Todd"  "........"

And then we were off!  And you may ask yourself; "When would a mountain raised girl with dirt and manure between her toes ever imagine she would own a ginormous sailboat and living on it sailing halfway across Canada...."   Never, would be the answer.  But here I am, the girl who gets seasick just looking at sailing magazines, sailing across our great Country.   Blind dog in tow.......

The first few days have been WONDERFUL!   Not a sniff of seasickness (and yes I realise I'm on a lake, but it LOOKS like a F'ing ocean ok?)   We have had great luck where we have stopped the 1st in Prynar's Cove, where apparently even letting your dog shit costs your right arm.  And yesterday and today we have been in Waupoos Bay Marina which is and idyllic place everyone should come to.    I grabbed the zodiac and Harley and I went off to explore.  The bike rentals here are free and when I asked why the young man stated they couldn't guarantee they would actually work so just take whatever you want :)   I stumbled upon a long flat road that led me to trespassing on a farm where someone had told me there would be a barn with a freezer in it and all the frozen lamb I could carry with an "honour box" to put cash in.  And after images of the Pickton farm flashing through my mind I found  a blue barn covered in honeysuckle surrounded by sheep (likely knowing their family were inside, made into rosemary sausages) I made it out despite the angry sheep glaring at me and hopped back on my bike only to stumble upon a winery that just happened to be having a free Beach Boys tribute concert. So I obviously loaded up on wine and local chocolates, grabbed an ice cream and sat in a rocking chair to listen. 

 So, riding a bike when you haven't been on one since you were 9 should be easy....... it isn't. It's not at all like that saying "it's just like riding a bike".... and now that I am safely back home and sitting on an ice pack feeling older than dirt I can safely tell people to shut the hell up when they say that :)

Tomorrow we are off to Kingston to wait for my mom to join the party as our 'crew', and to hit the grocery store along with the marine maintenance shop!     Happy sailing.......

i DID  tell him to smile....

Harley's ready!

Wwaupoos Bay Winery


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