Sunday, June 29, 2014

From Bellville to Waupoos

We sailed from Bellville on June 27 at 9 am.  The water was flat and the winds were calm on that morning.  I had the go-pro all setup to record our departure from the marina but I guess I pressed the wrong button and all I got were a few pictures and not the video I was hoping for.
After we left I found the boat steamed along well at 2200 to 2500 rpm's which gave us 6.5 to 7 knots of headway.  After 5 hours we reached a placed call Prinyer's Cove.  This was a good place to anchor and spend the first night on the hook.  The bottom was very muddy, but the powered windless is great for hauling on all of that chain.  This is the first time I had a windless on my boat.  Prinyer's Cove was a nice little marina but they seemed to nickel and dime you to death as you can see from this photo.

Prinyers Cove Marina

The next morning we woke up and had a great cup of coffee in the cockpit and we watched swans in cove.  By the way when they are mad they seem to make a sound like and outboard motoring starting.  Harley found this noise very unsettling and I think he want to eat them.
Prinyers Cove,Ont

We departed the cove that morning and steamed/sailed around the head lands to Prince Edwards Bay and then on to Waupoos Marina.  We got a berth here for two nights.  Yesterday we went to the Waupoos Estates Winery and a few bottles of wine for the trip back.  Is was only a short ride in the zodiac to their dingy dock.  I also went for a swim and got to take a look at the bottom of the boat for the first time since it has been in the water.  Every think looks good and I am surprised at the size of the wing keel on this boat.  With the wing keel we only draw 4.7 feet of water.
Last night I found that there was about 2 cups of fuel in the sump of the engine compartment.  I think that I located the leaks on two of the fuel hoses that are attached to the fuel filter.   I removed the hoses and cleaned up the ends and re-clamped them.  Ran the engine for a bit and it doesn't seem to be leaking any longer.  I guess we will find out when we motor over to Kingston (Collins Bay).
Waupoos Marina

Blue Moose

Harley's new favorite spot.

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