Saturday, July 19, 2014


Yesterday we spend most of the day beating along under PEI and up to the tip to enter the Straits of Canso.  It was a wonderful sunny day.  We got to see lots of whales and seals.  But they seem to be camera shy because each time we took out the camera they dove and we didn't see them again until we put it away.   We then spend the rest of the day transiting the Straits of Canso to the lock at the causeway.     This lock was an easy one.  You don't even need to try up just hold position in the middle of the lock while they close one end and open the other end.  Of they have to open the bridge ad well. This bridge is different from the rest of the bridges that we pasted under.  This one povites in place and don't lift up.
We spend the night at Port Hawksberry yacht club where they now have pump out and fuel.

We meet a nice couple that are on their way from Ontario to the Bahamas.   They will be stopping in Halifax in a few weeks.  Their boat name is Persuasion and we invited them to check out SYC during their stay in Halifax.

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