Wednesday, July 23, 2014


With heavy hearts we had to leave Get Met in Port Hawksberry.  On the way out of the Canso straights we had a problem with the rudder of the boat.  So we hailed a fishing boat to help us back to a wharf.  But wouldn't you know it......he came to help but came in to us way to fast and punched a 6X6 inch hole in the side of the boat right under the toe rail.  So now we have a hull repair and a rudder repair that needs to be done.
I was talking with a boat yard and it looks like we will have to have the boat pulled from the water to get an inspection done to see what is wrong with the rudder.  So at the same time we will get the damage to the hull repaired.
We have another two weeks off in August so we will cruise the lakes in Cape Berton and then bring the boat back to Halifax.

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